Help us bring God’s message

to every heart language


What your donation supports

When we set out to bring God’s message to the heart languages of India, we discovered two unique challenges:


Of the more than 1,652 languages spoken in India,The Bible (or a portion of it) was only available in about 350 of them.


Roughly 40% of the country is considered functionally non-literate.

That meant that even if we did translate The Bible into an individual’s heart language, there was a very real chance they wouldn’t be able to actually read it.

The solution?


Hum Audio Bible App along with our National partners, WCOI collaborated — to record audio Bibles and transfer them to digital, solar-powered playback machines. This not only eliminates the language barrier, but also allows us to reach the 60% of India that is functionally non-literate. The team has now developed an app called HUM. It is a one stop application for all audio Bibles and will be available for android as well as iOS.


With your financial support, we can continue this good work, translating God’s Word into additional heart languages and making sure The Bible is available and accessible, no matter what an individual’s circumstance may be.

Become a partner

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We need your help! Please help us get the word out about HUM to your communities! You can download the flyer and share the video via YouTube from the links below. Thank you for your support!